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Street candid photography in Boston

As some of you know, I love going out on the street with my camera hunting for the perfect shot. While I was in Boston last weekend, I took advantage of all the walking we did exploring this beautiful city and came up with some wonderful souvenirs of the city and it’s inhabitants. The city itself is stunning with many historic sights and buildings. Many times I got the feeling that I was walking in Montreal, which is something I never felt anywhere else in the US where I visited before. Of course, the streets are much bigger and the buildings a lot taller. No wonder Boston is considered the most European looking city in the USA. My only regret is that our vacation there was short and we didn’t have enough time to experience more of what the city has to offer. But we did manage to try the food there and we were not disappointed.

Street photography in the city of BostonStreet photography in the city of BostonStreet photography in the city of BostonStreet photography in the city of Bostoncandid photography in Bostoncandid photography in Bostoncandid photography in Bostonphotojournalistic photographywalking the dogcity f Bostoncity f BostonConversecandid photo of the city of Bostonhomeless in BostonHockey fans in Bostoncity f Boston street photographyMIT buildingHomeless smoker in Bostonwalking the dog in BostonHomeless smoker in BostonHomeless smoker in Boston

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