Beautifoto Blog » Beautifoto Montreal wedding photography Blog

Carla and Davide’s Wedding

It was a joy to photograph this couple on their big day and I can’t say how easy going Davide and Carla are. Even when faced with a broken down limousine, they both

kept their cool and went on like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. What’s amazing though, is right across from where their limo broke down we found this magnificent fairytale-styled royal wagon in the parking lot. As you can see we were able to get some original shots of the couple and their bridal party. All and all it was a splendid fun filled day spent with great company.

Here are some of my favorite shots from this amazing wedding:

Photo credit: Beautifoto Montreal wedding photographer.Photo credit: Beautifoto Montreal wedding photographer.OLPH Church on McLeod street in ChateauguayWedding wagonThe bridal partyThe bride and her brideBride and groom kissingThe first danceBeautifoto Montreal wedding photographerWedding cakereception hallThe bouquet tossBride and groom at the reception hall.

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