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Grand Prix Weekend 2012

As many of you know, this weekend marks one of the most anticipated events of the year in the city of Montreal, namely The Grand Prix. I took to the streets yesterday, albeit a little late in the evening, in an effort to document this event from the point of view of the city and its people. I will be doing so for the next couple of days and I will be posting the photos I capture there. Here are a few of the most interesting people I ran across last night:

Montreal street portrait - Grand Prix WeekendMontreal Street Portraits - Grand Prix WeekendMontreal street portrait of beautiful women - Grand Prix WeekendMontreal street portrait of a beautiful model - Grand Prix WeekendMontreal street portrait of a beautiful model - Grand Prix WeekendMontreal street portrait of a beautiful woman- Grand Prix WeekendMontreal Street Portrait of a security guard - Grand Prix WeekendMontreal street portrait of a couple on a bike- Grand Prix Weekend

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