Beautifoto Blog » Beautifoto Montreal wedding photography Blog

Stylish Wedding Photo Shoot at Montreal’s Old Port

As many of you who follow my work know, I love what I do. I particularly love night photography. Combine that with a beautiful location like the Old Port and a lovely couple, who look like they are straight out of a romance novel cover, and appreciate what i do enough to allow me to get as creative as I need to be. Well, the result is pure magic. Check out those photos with the lovely Rozita and Evange from last Sunday and let me know what you think in the comments below. I love hearing from you. Enjoy!

wedding photography at centre du commerce mondial montrealBeautifoto Montreal wedding photographerBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_8380A shot from Beautifoto stylish photo sessiona shot from BeautifotoUsing natural light in street photographyBeautifotoBride and groom photography at the Old PortBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_8730Wedding photography in the cityBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_8846Beautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_8922Beautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_8931The bride and groom sitting on a barBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_8968The bride and groom on the street of MontrealBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_9006Bride and Groom Christmas photographyThe bride and groom at the gateBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_9039Street wedding photographyBeautifoto-Montreal-Wedding-photographer_9098kissing behind gatesstylish photo shoot at the Old Porta shot from beautifoto


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